Tuesday, 28 February 2012

BORAX quest

       To solder silver you need a solder and a flux (apart from a pair of non-shaking hands and few other things). Not that I was planning to solder day in - day out, but it was interesting to try at least. Moreover, it would come handy in one of my handmade jewellery projects – to be able to solder sterling silver findings if a design requires or just for strong connections.

       Anyway, I started with a check-list. It turned out that I had most of the things needed (yes, even a pair of non-shaking hands) but flux. I even had a solder which I was not aware of when I bought it a year ago.... well, I was sure I was buying just usual silver wire and the shop assistant couldn’t explain me in plain English what type of wire it was. To be fair, he tried it in plain Icelandic but my Icelandic vocabulary did not stretch so far as types of silver wire at that time.


Monday, 20 February 2012

New necklaces

I have recently finished two necklaces with lava from Hekla volcano and two more are waiting for a leather cord, which I hope to get tomorrow. Those ones will also be with lava and lava beads.

Going to make more and maybe better pictures and put them up on my website and in DaWanda shop .

Meanwhile have a sneak peek! :)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

The beginning...

Starting a blog was not initially in my plans. But then I realised that I needed some place to record my thoughts, my tries and errors during the process of creation (creating, not manufacturing - that's what I like to think I am doing). And maybe somebody else will find it interesting and will enjoy this journey with me.

I love to create things and can only hope that the style and the feel of my handmade silver jewellery and felt accessories will be appreciated by other people and will bring some magic vibes from Iceland to their life.